The Best Way To Protect Your Oahu Assisted Living Facility From Bed Bugs
Assisted living centers have a serious challenge when it comes to bed bug infestations. Bed bugs are hitchhiking pests that can be carried in on staff, family, and guests. Since family visits bring a lot of traffic in assisted living centers, it is difficult to prevent bed bugs from coming in. Once inside, these insects have a much easier time taking root and multiplying than in other structures that house residents. There are a couple of reasons for this. Bed bugs bites aren’t as bad for seniors because seniors don’t tend to be as allergic to the anticoagulant in the saliva of bed bugs. This results in bites that are less severe. Second, when bed bugs bite, seniors tend to not report them. This makes it difficult to quickly address bed bugs before they can become a problem. So, how do you protect your assisted living facility from bed bugs? Here’s what you should know.
The Secret Weapon Against Bed Bugs
It is likely that you are aware of the role dogs play in detecting many things, such as drugs, explosives, blood, and much more. They use their sense of smell like x-ray vision. When a dog moves through a pile of luggage, it is almost as if they can see the hidden items the officers are looking for. This sense of smell can be used to detect bed bugs in all stages of development, and our service professionals leverage this amazing ability to routinely inspect assisted living facilities.
Benefits Of K9 Inspection
K9 inspections are less invasive than inspections performed by humans. They can be done without having to disturb the items in the rooms being inspected.
K9 inspections are faster than inspections performed by humans. A dog can move quickly through a room, sniffing out bed bugs in the locations they are known to hide.
K9 inspections are more accurate than human inspections. Dogs have an incredible success rate. There is no better way to locate bed bugs before and after treatments.
K9 inspections help to prevent expensive bed bug treatments by locating bed bugs and their eggs before an infestation spreads. Dogs also have the ability to specifically locate infested areas so that treatments can be targeted and limited.
K9 inspectors are cute. Who doesn’t love a dog?
Benefits Of Routine Inspections
Catching bed bugs early can prevent costly treatments, but that is only one of the many benefits. Here are a few more:
At the end of the day, the most important aspect of your business is the safety and care of your residents. By providing fast and effective bed bug detection, you keep your residents protected.
When you catch bed bugs early, you protect the family and friends of your residents. Every individual who comes into your facility has the potential of bringing these bugs home with them.
Early detection will protect you and your staff. It will prevent bites while at work, and also prevent infestations from being carried home. Not only will this increase comfort and morale for your employees, but it will also prevent infestations from moving out and coming back in. There is nothing more frustrating than spending a lot of money getting rid of bed bugs only to have staff bring them back. It is a frustrating cycle.
Bed bugs can really hurt your reputation. When you catch these bugs early and eliminate them, you protect your reputation from serious damage. This helps your bottom line and also supports an atmosphere of wellbeing in your facility.
Who To Call About Bed Bugs
There are many pest control companies in Oahu that offer bed bug services, but these companies don’t specialize in bed bug detection and extermination. In light of the many ways bed bugs can be a threat to your facility, shouldn’t you contact an expert? Reach out to Bullseye K-9 Detection. We offer industry-leading K-9 Bed Bug Detection and trusted bed bug control methods for addressing infestations both small and large. We have the experience to make sure your assisted living facility has the protection it needs to safeguard your residents, staff, and reputation. Get started by requesting a consultation. We’re standing by to assist you.
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