Second-Hand Furniture Could Be A One-Way Ticket For Bed Bugs In Texas
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October 11, 2022
Getting new-to-you furniture in your business is fun and exciting. In addition to serving a function, furniture adds life and flavor to dull spaces. Purchasing second-hand furniture is a great option when you are on a budget or expect to use it for a limited time.
Although second-hand furniture is the best choice many times, there is a potential problem that may come with it: bed bugs. In recent years, these tiny pests have made a comeback, and hitchhiking on second-hand furniture is one way they get into businesses. You need the Texas pest control team at Bullseye K9 Detection if you suspect bed bugs.
When Second-Hand Office Furniture Is A Bad Deal
Purchasing second-hand furniture may be a good financial decision, but it can become a bad investment if infested with bed bugs. In a study by the University of Kentucky, bed bugs infest 22.6% of sofas, couches, and chairs — items you need in your business.
Bed bugs spread by riding on furniture and clothing. In the case of clothing, the bugs themselves are hitching a ride, but when it comes to furnishings, you may bed bugs plus their eggs. Because second-hand furniture is an entrance avenue into new locations for bed bugs, ask the following questions:
The seller may be selling the furniture because of bed bugs! Also, if the seller has had a recent infestation, bed bug eggs may be embedded in the items.
Signs To Look For Before Buying Second-Hand Furniture
You should conduct a thorough inspection before bringing second-hand items into your Texas business. When examining for bed bugs in the furniture, look for the following signs:
Rust-colored stains on the fabric portions
Yellowish skins from the nymphs
White or transparent barrel-shaped eggs
Reddish-brown bed bugs
Bed bugs hide in the upholstery, mattress seams, cracks, crevices, and surfaces. To aid the search, use a flashlight, magnifying glass, tweezers, and a thin object like a knife, credit, or an index card, to get into the crevices. When examining the furniture, wear latex gloves and keep a container nearby to deposit the bugs you find. If you use a vacuum, empty the contents into a bag. Seal the bag and dispose of it in an outside container away from the house.
It is worth taking the time to inspect furniture before installing it in your location; a bed bug infestation is bad for business!
What To Do If You Find Bed Bugs In Your Office Furniture?
If the items are in your building, remove and destroy them immediately. If the removal and destruction are not an option, do the following:
Place a white sheet under the furniture before cleaning to see the bugs that fall off.
Use a stout, thin object and slide through crevices to dig them out.
Vacuum the surfaces and cracks using a sharp-shooter.
Steam clean the items at a temperature of over 130℉.
Freeze small pieces at 0℉, if possible.
Place all bed bugs in a sealed container and dispose outside into a sealed can.
Professional Bed Bug Control Is The Way To Go
Due to their size, ability to squeeze into tight spaces, and quick reproduction rate, eradicating bed bugs is almost impossible. To eliminate these tiny, annoying pests, you need the local pest control for bed bugs in Texas; Bullseye K9 Detection. We are experts in bed bug removal. Contact us today and let us stop the bed bugs in your business.